10+ Simple & Healthy Water Exercises for Seniors

10+ Simple & Healthy Water Exercises for Seniors

Seniors, as they age, require physical activity more than ever. Water exercises with their several benefits can be an effective way for elderly individuals to maintain their physical and cognitive health while engaging in entertaining exercises. The traditional land exercises may require more movement and strain, however, on the other hand, the resistance properties of…

How to Increase Sodium Levels in Elderly Naturally

How to Increase Sodium Levels in Elderly Naturally

As we age, many aspects, vital to our health are overlooked, including the balance of electrolytes in our bodies, particularly sodium. Sodium is a significant electrolyte that helps maintain nerve function, blood pressure, and overall well-being. Unfortunately, the imbalance in sodium levels is often seen as we age. This can cause certain serious consequences and…

ADLs vs IADLs: What Are The Key Differences?

ADLs vs IADLs: What Are The Key Differences?

ADLs (Activities of daily living) and IADLs (Instrumental activities of daily living) include the tasks of daily life ranging from simple activities such as eating or bathing to complex activities including driving. Performing daily life tasks may get difficult as one ages or goes through a health condition. This tough phase often comes with requiring…

☆ Assisted Living vs. Nursing Home: What Should You Choose?

☆ Assisted Living vs. Nursing Home: What Should You Choose?

The care options are more varied than ever. Families can choose any care service that suits them and their loved ones the best. Two of these care services include assisted living and nursing homes. If your loved one requires assistance and you can’t decide which care service is the right fit for them, don’t worry…

Who Should Come First: Your Spouse or Elderly Parent?

Who Should Come First: Your Spouse or Elderly Parent?

Having to choose between a spouse and elderly parents can be quite a frustrating and distressful situation. Such a situation demands careful consideration and then a conclusion. The question may not be as simple as it may seem. These bonds of love and a sense of responsibility make it difficult to give a straightforward answer…

20+ Signs Your Elderly Is Ready for Assisted Living [2024]

20+ Signs Your Elderly Is Ready for Assisted Living [2024]

People with certain illnesses or diseases, or just those going through the aging process may find it challenging to complete their everyday tasks. Families and caregivers can pay attention to the visible signs of difficulty in carrying out everyday tasks and consider care options. While care and support are necessary to improve the quality of…

25+ Practical Tips on How to Care for Elderly Parents

25+ Practical Tips on How to Care for Elderly Parents

As an individual age, the effectiveness of daily life activities is significantly reduced. With a change in times, parents may gradually begin to rely on their children and the roles may seem to shift. This role transition may be a difficult phase for parents and children, especially if children are in their young adulthood. Caregiving…

What Are The Pros & Cons of Assisted Living? [2024 UPDATED]

What Are The Pros & Cons of Assisted Living? [2024 UPDATED]

If your loved one requires help with their daily life tasks, assisted living care may be a good option. Families may feel frustrated or distressed with the constant care and support and it is okay to feel that way. Your loved ones deserve professional help and the utmost care, which can be provided in assisted…

Sudden Excessive Sleepiness In The Elderly [Causes & Solutions]

Sudden Excessive Sleepiness In The Elderly [Causes & Solutions]

Does your loved one have an irregular and excessive sleep schedule and it makes you concerned? As one age, changes in sleep patterns are normal. However, sudden excessive sleepiness may suggest an underlying health issue and should be addressed timely. Understanding and timely intervention is essential to improve the well-being of your loved ones and…

13 Fun & Productive Activities for Bored Seniors to Do Alone

13 Fun & Productive Activities for Bored Seniors to Do Alone

While boredom may become difficult to deal with at times, it can be prevented through various activities. Boredom is a commonly experienced feeling, especially for individuals in the late stages of their lives. Senior individuals may encounter this emotion more due to limited physical activity or health issues that are common in old age. This article…

Help An Elderly Person With Toileting | Safety Tips & Techniques

Help An Elderly Person With Toileting | Safety Tips & Techniques

As people become older, their effectiveness in performing daily life tasks is significantly reduced. They may begin to rely on their families or caregivers to assist them with ADLs. Assisting elderly individuals in toileting, can be an emotionally and physically stressful situation. It’s okay to feel uncomfortable helping the elderly with toileting. There are several…

Failure To Thrive In Elderly – All You Need To Know

Failure To Thrive In Elderly – All You Need To Know

As a person ages, a significant decline in their overall health condition is observed. This may occur due to underlying health conditions or simply due to the fact that they are getting old. An aged person may have to struggle with the completion of his or her daily tasks and may require external assistance. Failure…

How Serious Is Fluid On The Lungs In The Elderly? Learn Now

How Serious Is Fluid On The Lungs In The Elderly? Learn Now

As life progresses, the vulnerability to various health complications and illnesses is elevated. It is necessary to get professional help and treat such medical conditions while there’s still time. Fluid on the lungs in medical terms is known as pulmonary edema. This medical complication can induce adverse effects, especially for the elderly group of people….

TOP 7 Pros And Cons Of Long-Term Care Facilities

TOP 7 Pros And Cons Of Long-Term Care Facilities

Looking after someone with a chronic disease is a distressing process to go through. However, it’s okay to provide your loved ones with professional care if it gets overwhelming for you. There are diverse long-term care options for the people you love but before choosing long-term care for the patients, it is vital to know…

Are Keto Pills Safe for Seniors & Do They Actually Work?

Are Keto Pills Safe for Seniors & Do They Actually Work?

The keto diet has gained high popularity in recent years because of its associated benefits, including weight loss and metabolic health improvement. However, along with this incredible diet, there has also been a surge in the popularity of keto diet pills that claim to offer the same benefits as ketosis without following a strict diet….